



what should i do ?

teaching goals :

1. words & phrases : keep out , loud , argue , what’s wrong ? football , either , except , themselves , include ,etc .

2. the using of modals could /should 。

3. the using of why don’t you … ?。

4. how to talk about the questions and give the advices 。

5. learn how to deal with the problems and think about themselves and communicate with the others 。

important and difficult points :

1. the using of modals should /could 。

2. how to give the advice 。

teaching aids : a tape recorder 5 , cards .

period 1

teaching procedures :

step 1 leading in

1. greetings and free talk .

2. check the homework .

step 2 pre-task

t: i want to buy a new guitar but i don’t have enough money .what should i do ?

ss think it over ,and try to give his/her advice .

write their advice on the bb .

1. borrow one .

2. buy a second-hand guitar .

3. get a part-time job .

4. don’t buy a guitar .

5. wait until next year .

practice reading the advice by the ss .

in this unit we are going to talk about problems people have and learn how to give these people advice –to tell people what we think they should do .

step 3 while-task

sb page 10 , 1a .

1. read the instructions to the ss .

2. read the problems by the ss .

3. ask ss to write the problems in the “serious” or “not serious” columns .

4. explain .

5. talk about the answers with the class .practice reading .

sb page 10 , 1b .

make sure the ss understand what should they do .play the tape twice .ss circle the problems they hear .play the tape a third time .check the answers .

step 4 post-task

sb page 10 , 1c .

look at the problems in activity 1a and make conversations .

step 5 while-task

sb page 11 , 2a .

1. read the instructions .make sure the ss understand what should they do .

2. point to the sentences below .

3. play the tape the first time .ss only listen .pay attention to peter’s friend’s advice .

4. play the tape again .ss circle “could” or “should” .

5. correct the answers .

sb page 11 , 2b .

read the instructions .pay attention to peter’s answers .play the tape again .check the answers .

step 7 post-task

make conversations with peter and his friend with the help of 2a & 2b .

step 8 grammar focus

review the grammar box .ss say the questions and the responses .explain the differences between could/should .


1. go over the words .

2. my clothes are out of style ,what should i do ? please give the advice .

period 2

teaching procedures :

step 1 leading in

1. greeting and free talk .

2. check the homework .collect the students’ advice .write it down on the bb .

step 2 pre-task

1. review the differences between “could /should” .

2. learn the new words in page 12 .

step 3 while-task

sb page 12 , 3a .

1. read the instructions .

2. read the conversations by ss or listen to the tape .then write “good idea” “okay idea” or “bad idea” .

3. talk about the students’ answers .

4. make sure the students understand the dialogue.practice reading

step 4 post-task

sb page 12 , 3b .

1. read the instructions .point out the example conversation and ask two students to read it to the class .

2. use your head .find some other ways to get money that aren’t in the book .

3. ask ss to work with partner as they ask for and give advice .

4. pairwork .

5. act out the conversations to the class .

step 5 while-task

sb page 12 , part 4 .

1. read the instructions .make sure the ss understand what they should do .

2. to students read the dialogue .

3. practice reading .

4. ask another pair to give their advice on another topic .

5. pairwork .

homework :

translate them into chinese.

1. keep out 2. out of style 3. what’s wrong ?

4. call sb up 5. pay for 6. ask for something

7. summer camp 8. stay at home

period 3

teaching procedures:

step 1 leading in

1. greetings and free talk .

2. check the homework .

step 2 pre-task

sb page 13 , 1a .

1. read the instructions to the students .

2. read the sentences and ask a student to read the sentences to the class .

3. write ni , i , vi for each statement .

4. “what is important to you when you choose clothes ?”write one or more of their statements to the class .

talk about the answers with the class .

step 3 while-task

sb page 13 , 2a .

1. read the instructions .make sure the ss understand what they should do .

2. read the three sentences in the box .you will be listening to a radio advice program .they will be talking about one of these problems .

3. play the tape twice .ss check the problem they hear .

4. play the tape again ,ss correct the answers .

sb page 13 , 2b .

1. read the instructions .make sure ss understand what they should pay attention to .

2. look at the chart .there are three persons ,kim , nicole , emilio .who will give erin some advice ?what are they ? read each name for the class .

3. play the recording again .ss write their answers .

4. play the recording again ,one sentence by one sentence .check the answers .

step 4 post-task

sb page 13 , 2c .

1. point out the example in the sample dialogue .ss practice reading .

2. pairwork: what do you think erin should do ?

3. share their conversations with whole class .

homework :

you left your homework at home ,what should you do ? please give your advice .

period 4

teaching procedures :

step 1 leading in

1. greetings & free talk .

2. check the homework :i left my homework at home ,what should i do ? share some students’ advice .

step 2 while-task

sb page 14 , 3a .

1. scan this letter ,underline the problem .

2. read the letter again , tick out the new words .

3. explain something :

except=but 除…之外(不包括在内)

besides 除…之外(包括在内)

all the students went to the park except him .

lucy and lily will come to the party besides me .

find out = learned 了解到 find 找到

i just find out there is a dance tomorrow .

4. listen to the recording .ss practice reading .

sb page 14 , 3b .

1. pairwork: give some advice to the lonely kid in 3a .

2. suppose you’re mary .write the letters on your own .

3. read the letters to the class .

sb page 14 , part 4 .

1. read the problem in the box .

2. two students read the dialogue .

3. pairwork : think them over and give your advice .

4. groupwork: see which classmate has the best advice .

step 3 post-task

sb page 15 , selfcheck .

1. fill in the blanks with the words given .try to make your own sentences with the words .

2. read the letter to aunt chen’s advice column and then write some advice .

homework :

what’s your problem ? please write your own letter to an advice column .

period 5

teaching procedures :

step 1 leading in

1. greetings and free-talk .

2. check the homework :read the letter out in the class ,the other ss give their advice .

step 2 pre-task

1. what after-school activities can you think of .write what you do and what you don’t do .

2. sb page 16 , 1b .read the words and guess the meaning .if there are some new words in the box , look up in the dictionary .

step 3 while-task

sb page 16 .

1. read the passage quickly and get the main idea .

2. listen to the recording .circle the words in the box in 1b .

3. explain something : busy enough it’s time for sth .

the 姓s : 夫妇/一家

sb page 17 , 3a .

1. read these statements .

2. pairwork: number each pair 1-5 around the class .ask each pair to discuss only the question with their number .

3. after a while .all pairs with the same number from a group and compare ideas .

4. after five minutes .each group report their ideas to the class .

homework :

1. write four sentences using one of the words from 1b in each sentence .

2. are you or your friends under pressure ? do a survey to find out .

teacher notes:


teaching goals(教学目标)

1.vocabulary: hard-working ,report card ,can do better ,speaking ,listening ,average ,surprise .

2.patterns: what did your math teacher say ? he said he could speak three languages .



important and difficult points (教学重难点)

1.个人report card 的写作。


teaching aids(教具):teaching cards , pictures and a tape recorder .


teaching contents(教学内容)

sectiona 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c,grammar focus .

teaching procedures(教学步骤) :

step 1 leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)

ask several ss what they are going to do after school .write their sentences on the bb .

step 2 pre-task(任务前活动)

say, these ss talk about what they are going to do after school ,if you want to tell a friend what they said ,how would you tell him ?

write the words “he said” and “she said” on the bb .say,we can use the words “he said” and “she said” to tell your friend like this :he/she said he/she was going to play basketball after school .get the ss to repeat .

repeat this process with the other sentences on the bb .

step 3 while-task(任务中活动)sb page 26 , 1a .

1.ask a student to read the four questions .

2.point out the tv screens in the picture .ask one student to read what the person says in the first picture .then ask another student :what did she/he say ? help to answer :she/he said she/he was having a surprise party for lana on friday night .

3.repeat with the other pictures .

sb page 26 , 1c .pairwork.first ss work in pairs ,then ask some pairs to present their dialogues to the class .

sb page 26 , 1b .play the recording and correct the answers .

step 4 post-task(任务后活动)sb page 27 , 2a & 2b .

1.ask several ss to read these sentences .

2.play the recording .ss circle their answer . 3.check the answers .

step 5 grammar focus

1.review the grammar box by ask ss to say the statements .

2.explain: in each case ,the direct speech talks about present situations and the reported speech talks about past situations .

step 6 homework(家庭作业)

用she/he said 将直接引语改为间接引语。

1. i am a clever girl . 2. i am having lunch at school .

3. i can dance well . 4. i play football every day .

5. i don’t like my younger brother .



teaching contents (教学内容):

sectiona 3a ,3b ,4 ,sectionb 2a ,2b ,2c .

teaching procedures(教学步骤) :

step 1 leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)

check the homework(家庭作业) .ask several students to read their sentences to the class .

step 2 pre-task(任务前活动)sb page 28 , 3a .

1.read the article to the class .

2.ask ss to fill in the blanks on their own . 3.correct the answers .

sb page 28 , part 4 .ss work in groups of four to complete the role plays .ask a few ss to show their role plays to the class .

step 3 while-task(任务中活动)sb page 29 , 1a .

1.read the sentences to the class and teach new words .then ask ss to check the sentences that are true for themselves .

2.ask one student to read each sentence to the class and ask ss to raise their hands if they checked that answer .

sb page 29 , 2a & 2b .

1.read the instructions to ss .make sure they know what to do .

2.play the recording two or three times .correct the answers .

step 4 post-task(任务后活动)sb page 29 , 2c .

pairwork . in pairs ,get ss to choose a report card from activity 2b to talk about .then ask some pairs to present their dialogues .

step 5 homework(家庭作业)

sb page 28 , 3b .ask ss to write anything they want .






teaching contents(教学内容)

sectionb 3a , 3b , 3c , 4 , selfcheck .

teaching procedures(教学步骤) :

step 1 leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)

check the homework(家庭作业) .ask several students to read their episodes to the class .

step 2 pre-task(任务前活动)sb page 30 , 3a .

1.read the instructions and ask ss to read the letter on their own and write alan’s name on his report in activity 2b .

2.correct the answer .

sb page 30 , 3b .

1.get ss to use the information from activity 2b to write a letter to a relative or a friend about their report cards .

2.ask a student to read his or her completed letter to the class .orally correct any mistakes .

step 3 while-task(任务中活动)

sb page 30 , 3c .ask ss to write their own report cards .while ss work ,walk around and offer assistance if necessary .

sb page 30 , part 4 .

1.get ss to make up their teachers comments .

2.pairwork. in pairs ,talk about their report cards .

3.ask several pairs to share their conversations .

step 4 post-task(任务后活动)sb page 31 ,selfcheck ,part 1.

1.ask ss to fill in the blanks on their own . 2.correct the answers.

3.have ss make sentences with the words .

sb page 31 , selfcheck , part 2 .

1.ask ss to read the story . 2.in pairs ,have ss to make conversations according to the story .

3.ask some ss to share their conversations with the class .

step 5 homework(家庭作业)

ask students to write their conversations on their exercise books .



teaching contents:

reading :she said helping others changed her life .

teaching procedures(教学步骤) :

step 1 leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)

ask ss to think of people who need help and write some ideas .then discuss with their partner .

step 2 pre-task(任务前活动)sb page 32 , section 2 .

1.have ss read the passage first for meaning .

2.ask ss to read it again and fill in the blanks .

3.check the answers .

step 3 while-task(任务中活动)

1.sb page 33 , section 3 , 3a .

(1).ask ss to read through again to find the relevant information for yang lei’s students .

(2).ask ss to complete the information under “you” , saying what is true for their own lives .

(3).have ss discuss their answers with their partner .

2.sb page 33 , section 3 , 3b . in pairs ,ask and answer the questions .

3.sb page 33 , section 3 , 3c .have ss write a summary of the reading and share the summaries in groups of five .

step 4 post-task(任务后活动)sb page 33 , section 4 .

1.have a class discussion about the work each organization does .

2.ask some ss to say which organization they would like to work for and why .

step 5 homework(家庭作业)

write the summary of the reading on their exercise books .



一. 单项选择。

( )1. i ________ he ________ go there by himself.

a. think; won’t b. don’t think; will c. don’t think; is d. think; isn’t going to

( )2. the teacher told us the moon ________ around the earth.

a. went b. goes c. going d. move

( )3. do you think _________ an english film tomorrow night?

a. is there b. there is going to be c. there is going to have d. will there be

( )4. mary _______ my umbrella and she didn’t ________ it yet.

a. borrow; return b. borrowed; return c. borrow; return back d. borrowed; return back

( )5. i don’t know if she _______ tomorrow. if she ________ tomorrow, i’ll call you.

a. comes; comes b. comes; will come c. will come; comes d. will come; is coming

( )6. do you think it is difficult _________?

a. study english well b. studies english well

c. studying english well d. to study english well

( )7. she told us things there were ________ better than before.

a. more b. much c. very d. nice and

( )8. ______ a librarian, what do you have to do every day?

a. like b. as c. because d. since

( )9. could you ________ me how to ________ it in chinese?

a. say; speak b. speak; say c. tell; say d. say; tell

( )10. what happened ________ “young lives” last night?

a. on b. in c. to d. of

( )11. i finished my ________ exam last week.

a. end of year b. end of year’s c. end-of year’s d. end-of-year

( )12. i’m at mary’s house ________ a homework project.

a. work on b. working on c. work d. working


1. the ___________ (disappoint) result made him very sad.

2. you got the best. how __________ (luckily) you are!

3. which do you like _________ (well), this one or that one?

4. he told us that there ________ (be) a wonderful party tomorrow afternoon.

5. what _______ you _______ (do) when your father came back home?

6. she said that the sun ________ (rise) in the east.

7. he often ________ (stand) in front of the library.

8. my mother _________ (come) to see me next week.

9. my grandpa is in hospital. he is __________(health).

10. he was born in ________ and he can speak _________. (spain)


1. he told judy that he would bring some books ________ her house _______ wednesday night.

2. what are some things that happen _______ soap operas?

3. i’m better ________ listening than writing.

4. please pass _______ this message ______ ben, and then give his answer _______ me.

5. _______ ten years, he will be a doctor.

6. he said he would live _______ a space station.

7. i don’t want to talk _______ it ______ the phone.

8. what was the girl doing when the ufo took ________?

9. what will teenagers do _______ fun 10 years _______ now?

10. teaching high school students in a poor mountain village may not sound _____ fun ___you.


1. thank you for ______(help)me carry the basket.

2. look! one of them ______(swim)in the lake.

3. ______(watch)tv too much is bad for your health.

4. ______(close)your eyes and listen to me.

5. mother told her little son ______(not go)out the next day, because it would be windy.

6. don’t sleep very late, you will be as ______(health)as i.

7. “why are you late today? ”my father said ______(angry).

8. the room is ______(noise). i can’t hear anything.

9. as soon as i lay down, i fell ______(sleep)last night.

10. they come from canada. they are ______(canada).

五、 句型转换。

1. mary is good at music. (同义句) mary _____ _______ _______ music.

2. he is very healthy. (同义句) he is ____ ______ _______.

3. i think it is a good idea. (否定句) i _____ _______ it’s a good idea.

4. he said i was hard-working. (划线提问) what _____ _____ ______?

5. my teacher was very angry with me. (同义句) my teacher was very ____ ______ me.

6. my sister said to me “i’m going to help you. ”(同义句)

my sister _____ me that _______ _____ going to help ________.


unit 2 what should i do ?

teaching goals (教学目标)

1.words & phrases : keep out , loud , argue , what’s wrong ? football , either , except , themselves , include ,etc .

2.情态动词could /should 的用法。

3.why don’t you … ?结构表建议的运用。



important and difficult points (教学重难点)

1.should /could 情态动词的用法。


教具: a tape recorder5 , cards .





teaching procedures(教学步骤) (教学过程)

step 1 leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)

1. greetings and free talk .

2. check the homework(家庭作业) .

step 2 pre-task(任务前活动)

t: i want to buy a new guitar but i don’t have enough money .what should i do ?

ss think it over ,and try to give his/her advice .

write their advice on the bb .

1. borrow one . 2. buy a second-hand guitar .

3. get a part-time job . 4. don’t buy a guitar .

5. wait until next year .

practice reading the advice by the ss .

导入: in this unit we are going to talk about problems people have and learn how to give these people advice –to tell people what we think they should do .

step 3 while-task(任务中活动)sb page 10 , 1a .

1. read the instructions to the ss . 2. read the problems by the ss .

3. ask ss to write the problems in the “serious” or “not serious” columns .

4.explain . 5. talk about the answers with the class .practice reading .

sb page 10 , 1b .

make sure the ss understand what should they do .play the tape twice .ss circle the problems they hear .play the tape a third time .check the answers .

step 4 post-task(任务后活动)sb page 10 , 1c .

look at the problems in activity 1a and make conversations .

step 5 while-task(任务中活动)sb page 11 , 2a .

1. read the instructions .make sure the ss understand what should they do .

2. point to the sentences below .

3. play the tape the first time .ss only listen .pay attention to peter’s friend’s advice .

4. play the tape again .ss circle “could” or “should” .

5. correct the answers .

sb page 11 , 2b .

read the instructions .pay attention to peter’s answers .play the tape again .check the answers .

step 7 post-task(任务后活动)

make conversations with peter and his friend with the help of 2a & 2b .

step 8 grammar focus

review the grammar box .ss say the questions and the responses .explain the differences between could/should .


1. go over the words .

2. my clothes are out of style ,what should i do ? please give the advice .






teaching procedures(教学步骤) :

step 1 leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)

1. greeting and free talk .

2. check the homework(家庭作业) .collect the students’ advice .write it down on the bb .

step 2 pre-task(任务前活动)

1.review the differences between “could /should” .

2. learn the new words in page 12 .

step 3 while-task(任务中活动)sb page 12 , 3a .

1. read the instructions .

2. read the conversations by ss or listen to the tape .then write “good idea” “okay idea” or “bad idea” .

3. talk about the students’ answers .

4. make sure the students understand the dialogue.practice reading

step 4 post-task(任务后活动)sb page 12 , 3b .

1. read the instructions .point out the example conversation and ask two students to read it to the class .

2. use your head .find some other ways to get money that aren’t in the book .

3. ask ss to work with partner as they ask for and give advice .

4.pairwork .

5. act out the conversations to the class .

step 5 while-task(任务中活动)sb page 12 , part 4 .

1. read the instructions .make sure the ss understand what they should do .

2. to students read the dialogue .

3. practice reading .

4. ask another pair to give their advice on another topic .

5. pairwork .(互助活动)

homework(家庭作业) :


1. keep out 2. out of style 3. what’s wrong ?

4. call sb up 5. pay for 6. ask for something

7. summer camp 8. stay at home



teaching procedures(教学步骤):

step 1 leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)

1. greetings and free talk . 2. check the homework .

step 2 pre-task(任务前活动)sb page 13 , 1a .

1. read the instructions to the students .

2. read the sentences and ask a student to read the sentences to the class .

3. write ni , i , vi for each statement .

4. what is important to you when you choose clothes ?”write one or more of their statements to the class .

talk about the answers with the class .

step 3 while-task(任务中活动)sb page 13 , 2a .

1. read the instructions .make sure the ss understand what they should do .

2.read the three sentences in the box .you will be listening to a radio advice program .they will be talking about one of these problems .

3. play the tape twice .ss check the problem they hear .

4. play the tape again ,ss correct the answers .

sb page 13 , 2b .

1.read the instructions .make sure ss understand what they should pay attention to .

2. look at the chart .there are three persons ,kim , nicole , emilio .who will give erin some advice ?what are they ? read each name for the class .

3. play the recording again .ss write their answers .

4. play the recording again ,one sentence by one sentence .check the answers .

step 4 post-task(任务后活动)sb page 13 , 2c .

1.point out the example in the sample dialogue .ss practice reading .

2. pairwork: what do you think erin should do ?

3. share their conversations with whole class .

homework(家庭作业) :

you left your homework(家庭作业) at home ,what should you do ? please give your advice .






teaching procedures(教学步骤) :

step 1 leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)

1. greetings & free talk .

2. check the homework(家庭作业) :i left my homework(家庭作业) at home ,what should i do ? share some students’ advice .

step 2 while-task(任务中活动)sb page 14 , 3a .

1. scan this letter ,underline the problem .

2. read the letter again , tick out the new words . 3. explain something :

(1)except=but 除…之外(不包括在内)

(2)besides 除…之外(包括在内)

eg.all the students went to the park except him .

lucy and lily will come to the party besides me .

(3)find out = learned 了解到 find 找到

eg.i just find out there is a dance tomorrow .

4. listen to the recording .ss practice reading . sb page 14 , 3b .

5. pairwork: give some advice to the lonely kid in 3a .

6. suppose you’re mary .write the letters on your own .

7. read the letters to the class .

sb page 14 , part 4 .

1. read the problem in the box .

2. two students read the dialogue .

3. pairwork : think them over and give your advice .

4. groupwork: see which classmate has the best advice .

step 3 post-task(任务后活动)sb page 15 , selfcheck .

1. fill in the blanks with the words given .try to make your own sentences with the words .

2. read the letter to aunt chen’s advice column and then write some advice .

homework(家庭作业) :

what’s your problem ? please write your own letter to an advice column .






teaching procedures(教学步骤) :

step 1 leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)

1. greetings and free-talk .

2. check the homework:read the letter out in the class ,the other ss give their advice .

step 2 pre-task(任务前活动)

1.what after-school activities can you think of .write what you do and what you don’t do .

2. sb page 16 , 1b .read the words and guess the meaning .if there are some new words in the box , look up in the dictionary .

step 3 while-task(任务中活动)sb page 16 .

1. read the passage quickly and get the main idea .

2. listen to the recording .circle the words in the box in 1b .

3. explain something :

(1)busy enough (2) it’s time for sth . (3)the 姓s : 夫妇/一家

sb page 17 , 3a .

1. read these statements .

2.pairwork: number each pair 1-5 around the class .ask each pair to discuss only the question with their number .

3.after a while .all pairs with the same number from a group and compare ideas .

4.after five minutes .each group report their ideas to the class .

homework(家庭作业) :

1.write four sentences using one of the words from 1b in each sentence .

2.are you or your friends under pressure ? do a survey to find out .



一、 翻译下列短语:

1.留在外面,不进人_________________ 2.打电话给某人_________________





11.enough money_________________ 12.leave my homework at home_______

13..have a fight with… _________________ 14.get a part-time job_______________.

15.get on well with sb____________________.


1.argue (名词) ______________ 2.wrong(反义词)___________

3. we (反身代词)_______________


( )1.my parents want me _____at home every night

a. stay b. staying c. to stay d. staies

( )2.i argue ______ my best friend . a .with b. about c. at d. and

( )3.he doesn’t have any money , ______. a. either b. too c. also d. but

( )4. my friend _____the same clothes . a. wear b. wears c. put on d. puts on

( )5.could you give me _____ advice a. some b. any c. many d. a lot

( )6.my friend is angry with me . what should i _____to him ?

a . say b. speak c. argue d. talk

( )7.he could do nothing except_____ tv.

a. watch b. watches c. watching d. will watch

( )8.please ______ who broke the window .

a. find out b. find c. look for d. look out

( )9.he _____ the pen on the ground just now .

a. droped b. dropped c. falls d. fell

( )!0. he’s used to _____ in the afternoon . a. play b. plays c. playing d. played

( )11. maybe he put it in his pocket , ______ he ?

a. does b. doesn’t c. did d. didn’t

( )12. the boy is ______to go to school .

a. enough old b. enough young c. old enough d. young enough

( )13.please show me the ticket ______the concert a. of b. for c. to d .on

( )14.i need to get some money to _____the summer camp .

a . pay on b. pay in c. pay with d. pay for

( )15.when i arrived home , i remembered that i ______ my key in the classroom .

a. forget b. forgot c. leave d. left

( )16. they are ____ the summer holiday .

a. planning b. planing c. planned d. plans

( )17. i ______ it everywhere , but i didn’t _____ it .

a . looked for , looked for b. looked for , find c. found , looked for d. find , look for

( )18.our teacher often tells us _____ to the old politely .

a. speak b .speaking c. to speak d. speak in

( )19.i really don’t know _________.

a. what should i do b. what to do c. what does d. what doing

( )20. they are good friends , but sometimes they ______each other .

a. argue of b. argue c. argue to d. argue with


1.you should write him a letter. (就划线部分提问)

__________ _________ _________do?

2. i think you should finish your homework first(改为否定句)

3. you are not as popular as your best friend.(同义句)

your best friend is________ _________than you.

4. the bike is his.(就画线部分提问 ) ________ is the bike?

5. he has some money ,too.(改为否定句)

he ________ ________ ________money, ________.

五、 用所给动词的正确形式填空

1. you should _(go) to see a doctor. 2. mother asked me _(get) up early.

3. they are ______(plan) how to spend the summer holiday.

4. let’s _______(try) our best to make our world more beautiful.

5. he ________(leave) his bag at school yesterday.


1.这种款式的女装,现在正流行。this style of dress ________ _______ _________ now.


i don’t like this computer, it’s _______ _________ _________.


the students shouldn’t __________ _________ __________ ___________.


if you have something to ask me, please ________ ________ _________.


maybe you could _________ him _______ ________ ______ a ball game.

6. 我不想在电话上谈这事。 i don’t want to talk about it _________ ________ __________.


unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived ?

teaching goals (教学目标)

1.words : barber shop , well , bathroom , accident , earth , silence , playground , around , strange , kitchen , modern , follow , shirt .

2.when , while 引导的时间状语从句。





important and difficult points:(教学重难点)

1.when , while 引导的时间状语从句。 2.学习过去进行时态。

teaching aids : a tape-recorder , cards .

teaching procedures(教学步骤) :

step 1 leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)

1.greetings and free-talk . 2.check the homework(家庭作业) .

3.dictate the words in unit 2 .

step 2 pre-task(任务前活动)sb page 18 , 1a .

1.point to the sentences .read the sentences .explain what each one means .

2.look at the picture .point out the six people .match the statements with the people in the picture .

3.check the answers .

4.practice reading .

step 3 while-task(任务中活动)sb page 18 , 1b .

1.read the instructions .make sure the ss understand what they should do .

2.look at the dialogue in the picture .


过去进行时态的构成: was / were doing .


i was standing in front of the library when the ufo arrived .

3.play the tape twice . circle the correct responses . 4.check the answers .

step 4 post-task(任务后活动)

talk about what people were doing when the ufo arrived .

step 5 while-task(任务中活动)sb page 19 , 2a .

1.read the sentences .make sure the ss understand what they mean .

2.play the tape twice .order these statements .

3.play the tape again ,correct the answers .

sb page 19 , 2b .

1.read the instructions . 2.play the recording .write “when” or “while” on each line .

3.play the recording again ,correct their answers .

notice: when / while

※ when comes before a quick action that happens only once .the word “while” comes from an action that continues for some time .

step 6 post-task(任务后活动)sb page 19 , 2c .

1.point ort the picture .ask what each person is doing .

2.groupwork : ask “what was …doing when the ufo arrived ?”

3.ask a group to say its conversation to the class .

step 7 grammar focus

review the grammar box by asking some students to read the sentences .

homework(家庭作业) :

1.go over the words in this unit


① they were talking the phone .

② i was he barber’s chair .

③ the boy was walking the street when a ufo landed .

④ i had a very unusual experience sunday .

⑤ the alien visited the museum flight .




大家好,今天我要说课的内容是初二英语上册第6单元sectiona的前部分,title(题目)是i`m more outing than my sister.其主要的内容是:“talk about personal traits and how to compare people.”一话题。由于本单元具有两部分:sectiona和sectionb, 从教材的整合来说本部分即有形容词用法的延续,又为后面形容词级的学习打下基础,具有承上启下的作用;再则,从本单元来说它既是本单元的基本语言内容,又为本单元知识扩展和综合语言运用奠定坚实的基础。因此,上好sectiona的前部分,既可让知识学习具有一定的延续性,又可为下面的教学做好铺垫,对完成本单元和今后的英语教学具有重要的意义。










在本活动中通过听说法配合多媒体辅助教学导入新课,进行师生互动活动引出本课的话题,用多媒体显示图画,如用姚明来让学生感觉单词tall,并以一个矮个short的人物来形成比较,通过连续几幅夸张的比较图片让学生认识并掌握本课所要学的基本词汇,并引出比较级的句子,如:he is taller than him./sam is wilder than tom.等句式,本环节以学生原有的知识为切入点谈论过去所做的活动,不知不觉地将学生引入教学交往的境地,进入本课的话题,达到润物细无声之效果,使学生形成积极的情感,主动思维,并形成良好的语感。


本人认为要充分挖掘教材的内涵,利用1b来培养学生的听力能力,并结合学生的猜猜他人的游戏(一个学生描述班里一位同学并和自己作比较,其他同学猜所描述的人是谁),如:he/she is ┅than i. but i’m ┅than he/she is.使此活动是在激趣环节上的再一次升华,不仅反馈于第一环节的活动,也为本节的重点突破环节打下基础。






此环节是在活动三的基础上,再次通过任务型教学途径,分小组.结合循序渐法进行活动:假设班上要派一名交换生到美国学习,小组讨论谁是合适的人选,如描述frank is smarter. i think he should be the exchange student./frank is smarter, but i think jack is more independent. he can take care of himself等等,最后全班汇集候选人,共同讨论谁最合适。在讨论、进行交际互动的过程中,使学生的口语交际能力提高到一个新的高度,激起学生的交际欲望,让学生体验到成就感和合作精神,从而突破本课的难点。


1. 常规性作业主要完成workbook的练习。

2. 合作探究性作业主要分为两层:


⑵各小组总结本课形容词比较级的形式,如 er、/chang y into i er/加more 的形式以及他们的读音规律,进而培养学生的自主探究能力和合作精神。

以上的教学过程注重学生的兴趣,贯穿“快乐教学”为指导思想,寓教于乐,把掌握知识,形成技能,发展能力与培养学生个性健康发展有机结合起来,让学生在集体合作中,发挥每个人的长处,是学生在合作中能互补、启发,形成立体的、交互的思维网络,产生1 1›2的效果。







