班级 _________ 姓名 ___________
1 减少
a loss b decrease c crease d element
2 营养 营养学
a condition b pressure c lifespan d nutrition
3 运动 活动
a movement b minimum c movie d order
4 园艺学
a gain b guess c government d gardening
5 语言
a say b tell c language d grow
6 不耐烦的 急躁的
a impolite b impatient c dislike d impossibly
7 挑选 选择
a select b salary c proper d share
8 解释 说明
a complain b especially c explain d guess
9 建立 确立
a habit b find c establish d finish
10 青少年
a grow-up b adult c child d teenager
1. a : thank you for your help 。
b : ______ 。
a. it doesn ‘ t matter b. all right
c. never mind d. you are welcome
2. a : nice to meet you 。
b : ______ 。
a. thank you b. nice to meet you , too
c. it is my pleasure d. i hope so
3.a : you do not like this picture , do you ?
b : ______ 。
a. yes , i do not b. no , i do
c. yes , i do d. yes , i like it
4.it was the ______ day of the season 。
a.bad b. badly c. worse d. worst
5.i don ‘ t think ______ is a good idea to copy other ’ s homework 。
a. that b. this c. it d. which
6.last year , i was often ill , but now i am ______ good health 。
a. in b. on c. at d. into
7. ______ interesting film it is !
a .how a b. what an c. how d. what
8.i will phone you as soon as i ______ beijing 。
a. reach b. reaches c. reached d. reaching
9.be careful with the knife 。 ______ yourself 。
a. cut b. not cut c. do not cut d. cutting
10.every year , a lot of peasants go to the south ______ money 。
a. earn b. earning c. earned d. to earn
11.ask the children ______ in public 。
a. not shout b. do not shout c. not to shout d. do not to shout
12.doing morning exercise ______ good for us 。
a. am b. is c. are d. be
13.it took me half an hour ______ to school by bike 。
a .get b. got c. getting d. to get
14.i saw his ______ out of the building 。
a. go b. goes c. went d. has gone
15.all the fruit is free , you can eat ______ 。
a. as many as possible b. as much as possible
c. as many as possible d. as much as possibly
1 old woman walked into a 2 shop 。 she asked the sales-girl to let her have a look at a new dress on display , but the girl stood behind the counter[ 柜台 ] , 3 no notice of the request[ 回答 ] 。
。 the old woman spoke to the girl again , 4 her voice a bit , but still received[ 收到 ] 5 answer 。 the old woman peered[ 盯着看 ] at the girl and nodded[ 点头 ] to herself 。“ i am 6 old to see well 。 i can ‘ t even tell a plastic[ 塑料 ] model 7 a real girl 。
on hearing this the rude girl shouted 8 the old woman , “ what ! did you call me a plastic model ”?
the old woman was greatly 9 “ oh , dear me ,” she cried 。“ the model can speak , then it 10 be a robot of a new type 。”
1 ( ) a. the b a c an d /
2 ( ) a clothes b clothes ‘ c cloth ‘ s d clothing ’ s
3 ( ) a took b taking c paid d paying
4 ( ) a rising b raising c rose d raised
5 ( ) a an b any c no d one
6 ( ) a very b too c quite d so
7 ( ) a for b with c from d to
8 ( ) a to b at c angrily d towards
9 ( ) a surprising b surprise c surprises d surprised
10 ( ) a can b may be c must d perhaps
when mary smith was a student, she always wanted to become a teacher, because she likes children .when she was twenty-one years old , she began teaching in a small school. she was a good teacher , and she laughed a lot with the children in her class 。 they enjoyed her teaching very much 。
one day one of the girl in her class said to her ,“ miss smith , why does a man ‘ s hair become grey before his mustache[ 胡子 ] and beard [ 胡子 ]do ?”
she laughed and answered ,“ i do not know , helen 。 do you know why ?”
“ i do not know , either ,” answered helen , “ but it happened[ 发生 ] to my father 。” the other children laughed when they heard this 。
then one of the boys said ,“ i know 。 men ‘ s hair becomes grey first because it is sixteen years older than their mustaches and bears 。
1 mary wanted to became a teacher because_____ 。
a a teacher could get a lot of money
b she liked children
c children liked her
2 she became a teacher _____
a at the twenty-one years old
b at twenty at a small school
c when she was a student
3 from this passage we know that_____
a mary was not good at teaching
b her students liked her teaching
c her students did not like her teaching
4 what happened to helen ‘ s farther according to helen ?
a his mustache and beard became gray , but his hair did not 。
b his hair became gray and his mustache and beard became gray , too 。
c his hair became gray , but his mustache and beard did not 。
5 according to one of the boys , men ‘ s hair became gray before their mustaches and beard because_____
a men ‘ s mustaches and beard are 16 years older than their hair
b men are 16 years older than their mustaches and beard
c men ‘ s hair appeared earlier than their mustaches and beard
it was tom ‘ s birthday , and he was five years old 。 he got quite a lot of presents from his family 。 his grandpa gave him a beautiful drum[ 鼓 ] 。
of all the presents , tom liked his drum best 。 he made terrible noise with it , but his mother did not mind 。 his father was working in the day time and tom was in bed when he got home in the evening 。 so he did not hear noise 。
but one of the neighbor did not like noise 。 so one morning she took a knife and went to tom ‘ s house when he was hitting[ 敲打 ]his drum 。 she said to him ,“ hello , tom , do you know there is something very nice inside your drum ? here is a knife 。 open the drum and let ’ s find it 。”
1 tom got the drum _____
a on his birthday
b when he was going to be five
c in the evening
d on sunday
2 tom ‘ s _____ bought the drum for him
a farther b mother
c grandpa d grandma
3 tom ‘ s father did not hear the noise because_____
a tom hit the drum very gently
b his father was not at home when he played
c his father was ill
d he played in the day-time
4 the neighbor wanted tom to cut the drum open because_____
a there was something nice inside the drum
b there was something wrong with the drum
c she wanted to stop the terrible noise
d she wanted to enjoy the noise of the drum
5 was there anything very nice in the drum really ?
a no , there was b yes , there was not
c no , there was not d yes , there was
五 用所给单词的适当形式填空
important speak wishes die health although
during intend be popular with provide
1 he ___________that he could travel in france someday 。
2 the young man ___________of a sudden traffic accident 。
3 fast foods ___________ children all the world 。
4 all my family like to watch news program___________
5 he ___________to learn english well
6 breakfast is of great___________ to children
7 my grandma can ___________ english
8 smoking is bad for your___________
9 we are here to ___________ the public with a service
10 ___________ it was snowing , it was not very cold
六 翻译下列句子
1they do not have breakfast themselves , ________________________________________ [ 更不用说 ] getting their children to eat breakfast 。
2 the fields and meadows ______________________________ [ 被覆盖 ]fresh green grass 。
3 traveling can be a way ______________________________________ [ 获得人生经历 ] 。
4 people _______________________________________ [ 全世界 ]are eating ______________________________ [ 越来越多 ] fast foods 。
5 __________________________________________________ [ 用左手吃饭 ] is ill mannered 。
6 tom could not _______________________________________ [ 下决心 ] which one to buy 。
7 nobody can live ____________________[ 没有食物 ] 。
8 _____________________________ [ 游客的数量 ] visitors is still on the rise 。
9 __________ [ 无论 ]they live in apartment __________ [ 还是 ]house , there are always small garden 。
10 the amount ____________________ [ 取决于 ] how well the waiter works 。
七 完成对话
a what color do you want ?
b how much does it cost ?
c may i try it on ?
d can i help you ?
e what size do you take ?
a: hello, _____ b: yes, iamlookingforaskirt 。 a: _____ b: size 12 a: _____ b: blue | a: fine, hereisoneinblue b: _____ a: 75 dollors b: ok, _____ a: sure, followme 。 |
一、“回忆”,即课后回忆,又称作“尝试回忆”或“情景再现”。它是在听课的基础上,把所学的内加以回忆;它具有检验预习、听课效果的作用。也 有人把这种回忆叫作“过电影”。如果能顺利回忆部分或全部内容,就证明预习和听课的效果不错;反之,就应该寻找原因,改进预习和听课的方法。回忆是一种积 极主动的智力活动,需要注意力高度集中,并开动脑筋,把当天课堂学过的知识“再现”一次,从而巩固所学的知识。当然这种回忆不是简单的重复,而是在回忆过 程中对信息加以分析、联想、归纳和总结,或称“反刍”,这是课后回忆的最高境界。回忆的方式可以是个人单独回忆,也可以是小组合作,互相启发、补充;回忆 的线索可以按课堂程序、语法联系、词汇链接等方式,这样可以使回忆上升到对知识的内化和能力的升华。
二、“读”,是精读教材。许多优秀学生的学习实践告诉我们,对教材“吃”得越透,其基础知识掌握侄越好、越牢。这也正是“熟能生巧”的道理。精 读教材,一要全面,要注重梳理基础知识和词汇的基本用法,对课堂上未完全理解或在回忆中未能出现的内容罢重点突破;二是要突出重点、难点、考点,要学会从 不同角度分析问题,有意识地加强对易混、易错部分的辨析;三是勾划点记,把教材中的重点词汇、句型勾划出来,并在教材的空白处记录下学习过程中新的体会。 这样一方面加深了对所学知识的理解,另一方面还便于以后查阅以及考前复习。
三、“理”,就是整理、理顺笔记。这是课后复习的核,心环节之一。由于课堂时间的有限性以及较快的课堂节奏,加之学生“听”“看”、“思”、“读”、“记”的个体差异,笔记不可能做的十分周全。这就要求我们结合预习、上课、回忆和阅读对笔记加以补充,并对“提纲式”、“符号式”的笔记进行整理 和转化,力争做到笔记完整、正确和实用。实践证明,一本好的笔记是一份自我加工、适合自己使用的绝佳资料。有人把它比喻成自己为自己做的“美味蛋糕”,想 吃的时候便来上“一块”。
四、“练”,即能力达标训练。训练通常包括书面作业、口语表达、听力练习等。“训练”的基本要求是:1、题目要精选、目标要明确,能考查综合语 言运用能力。2、要有针对性,要针对重点、难点、考点和热点进行训练,做到巩固知识、培养能力、总结学习策略、掌握技巧;3、通过训练,弄清知识点的设题 思路和形式,归纳解题方法,寻求解题规律,以收到举一反三、触类旁通的效果;4、要知难而进,学会运用已有的知识经验突破盲点和难点。